
Discover the Benefits of Responsible and Sustainable Forest Management

beneficios manejo forestal responsable sostenible

Tropical forests host two-thirds of the world’s biodiversity, including thousands of different tropical tree species. Preserving them is our shared responsibility.

These forests are also a source of stunning tropical woods prized for their durability, weather resistance, and aesthetic appeal.

However, construction professionals often assume that the only way to protect tropical forests is by completely avoiding tropical wood. While well-intentioned, the lack of demand for tropical timber can have unintended local consequences.

Forest owners, whose livelihoods depend on their land, may resort to clearing forests for agriculture. Thankfully, this doesn’t have to be the case.

It’s possible to use tropical timber sustainably without causing harm. The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) offers a solution that ensures tropical forests are responsibly managed.

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Increasing demand for sustainably sourced tropical wood can protect forests from the main drivers of deforestation while supporting the livelihoods of local populations. The health of our planet depends on its forests, and FSC is dedicated to protecting them.

FSC sets strict standards for sustainable forest management, protecting animal habitats, old-growth trees, carbon capture and storage, biodiversity, indigenous rights, and fair wages in safe working environments.

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As leaders of Bozovich, Ivo Bozovich and Drago Bozovich understand the importance of sustainably managing Peru’s tropical forests to benefit both the local community and the environment.

manejo forestal responsable sostenible

When FSC standards are properly implemented, forests are safeguarded from deforestation. As construction professionals, we can support sustainable tropical wood by exploring lesser-known, yet remarkable tropical species.

While a few species are commonly used, there are actually thousands of underutilized tropical tree species, each with unique appearances and impressive properties.

Selective harvesting of these lesser-known species reduces pressure on overharvested trees. This expands forest certification to new landscapes, protecting more biodiversity, small farmers, and ecosystems.

It’s time to reconsider tropical wood. It is a naturally renewable and recyclable material that supports forest ecosystems.

A proven way to conserve these resources is to purchase them from FSC-certified sources. Learn more about Sustainable Forest Management today.

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